I am now in my third trimester and I have to say this pregnancy is quite different than my first. I find it just must harder to do things - I feel a lot bigger this time and the baby is sitting a lot lower. It doesn't help that I need to still chase after a three year old. It's hard to believe I am just about 28 weeks already, but it also makes me cringe when I think I have three loooong, hottttt months to go. I've had a Love/Hate relationship with this pregnancy so far...
First of all, I LOATHE (I don't like the word hate... so I'll use loathe instead) just how hard it is to get up from a sitting position! I feel like I'm about 90 years old!! Most of the time I need to get myself rocking and then let momentum pull me up. It's not a pretty picture...
But I LOVE knowing that there's a person growing inside of me. I'll never get over what a miracle it is to grow someone inside of you that starts from an egg and a swimmer and comes out a human being!! I also love feeling the kicks and reminding me of that miracle.
I LOATHE my sore feet, my sore back, my ever-expanding belly (who knew skin could stretch that far!), not being able to sleep, heartburn, etc, etc, etc - you get the picture. All the typical symptoms of pregnancy aren't really that enjoyable to me. Alright, alright, I'll quit my whining.... speaking of wine - I'll add that to my LOATHE list - It really would be nice to have a glass of wine once a while!!
I LOVE that I have an excuse to get pedicures this summer!! After all, how am I supposed to paint my toenails if I can't even see them?!?!?!?
I LOATHE hormones. I have enough of them when I'm not pregnant! One minute I'll be on cloud nine, but the next minute I may be next to tears. It doesn't help I've been dealing with our flooded basement lately. But things are getting cleaned up and it's looking better down there today (must be a cloud nine day right now....)
I LOVE daydreaming about what my son is going to grow up to be. To me, there's not a bigger compliment than to raise a intelligent, respectful man. I can't wait to watch him help feed the cattle or help his dad fill the planter, go to Little League baseball games, cheer him on in the football stands, meet his girlfriend, go on college visits and all the other things that boys do! My hope is that he is a man who is respected by his mother-in-law, 'cuz if you win over the MIL you must be doing something right!
I LOATHE all the unnecessary comments. "Your due date must be soon." "You must not have long to go..." "You are pretty big - are you sure you're not having twins?" Come on people, really??? Are all these comments about my gigantic belly necessary? People I know have actually said all these things to me this week. My responses "I'm due in August and have three months to go." "No, I'm sure they only saw one baby on the ultrasound." What I really wanted to say to these people, "Would you like me to punch you in the face now or later? Thank you for noticing and pointing out my huge belly. No, my due date is not soon - I have three of the hottest months to go. If there's two babies in there, you may have to reserve a bed for me in the West Wing!" There go the hormones again...
I LOVE when Julianne puts her head really close to my belly and talks to her "Little Brudder" and when Nick puts his hands on my belly to feel our son kicking. I can't wait for our family to become four!
Frank Family
December 2014
Monday, May 21, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Nice Deck
Yea - we got a new deck!!! Our old deck was falling apart; I was afraid to walk on it much less use it for any fun, so we finally took the plunge (literally!) and put on a new deck. This deck is HUGE and sure to provide us with lots of fun!! We had a big tree go down in the July 1st storm last year so now we even have some sunshine back there! I'm really excited about using it; however not so excited about having to stain it later this year... (Any one want to help??? Payment would be food and adult beverages!!) Plus it hasn't been without it's headaches. On the 2nd day the builders broke one of our basement windows, which they replaced for us. But also on 2nd day, they turned on an outside faucet (that we had never used!) to mix their cement and something in the pipes inside the walls broke and flooded our basement. So we've been dealing with that clean up - what a mess!! Water seeped into our carpet and the walls and all over our stuff. ServiceMaster is coming tomorrow to take out our nice built-in wood bookshelves... the only place that still isn't dry!! Then I can start to put the basement back together and really enjoy the nice deck!
If your ever in the area - stop by - we'd love to show you our new deck!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
From 97-3
On April 20, 2012, it was my Grandma Florence's 97th birthday!! (Yikes, I guess I'm a little behind with my blogging!!) As usual, my mom had a fun-filled weekend planned for us; we did lots of celebrating! My uncle Myron came from Florida and my aunt Bea came from Colorado do join our weekend festivities. It's so nice they're able to sneak away from their busy lives to help celebrate with us - I know my Grandma loves it and we love getting to visit with them.
Does she look 97 to you?!?!?! If you saw her on the street, you'd have no idea she was 97! It's so amazing to me to think what she's been through in her lifetime - she was born in 1915 - cars were just being invented, she lived through the Great Depression, went to a country school... and now you think of all the technology and modern things we have - she's been through a lot and has lots of stories to tell!!! We love you Grandma Florence!!
Four Generations - from 97 to 3 years...
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