What a difference a month can make! William was 3 months old on 11-16-12 and so much has changed! Will was really fussy and I got to the point where I was going to try anything. One of my friends suggested I try the chiropractor. I was a little leary, but was willing to try it. And what a difference it has made! Upon first evaluation, they discovered that he had a couple bones out of place in the very top of his neck; he couldn't even turn his head all the way to one side. He's now has full range of motion and his head doesn't sit cock-eyed when they hang him upside down - which is a good thing! He also has a completely different personality now. He's smiley and can just sit in his chair or lay on the floor for a long time without fussing. He also continues to sleep really well. He has been sleeping through the night - asleep by 8 pm and will wake up around 6. He still doesn't nap the best during the day -only taking short 40 minute naps, but I can't complain since he's sleeping so well at night!
3 months!
Our big boy!