Frank Family

Frank Family
December 2014

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


How did that happen - our little buddy is ONE YEAR OLD!!!!  He hit the year mark a couple weeks ago on Aug 16 (oops - a little behind in my blogging!) and hasn't looked back since!

Here's a little update on Silly Willy -

Sleep - he has turned into a pretty good sleeper - at least for this week.  He will go to sleep between 7 -7:30 pm and wake up around 5:15-5:30 am - he's an early riser!  But he'll go down for his first nap at 8:30 am, sleep for about 2 hours, then take another nap at 1 pm or so and sleep for another two hours.  He's been sleeping through the night pretty much most of the time.  But it seems every once and a while - maybe averaging 2 times in 2 weeks, he'll wake up and fuss.  If he's not sick or teething he'll usually put himself back to bed.

Eat - he continues to love food!!  He now has 7 teeth and #8 is also just about through so he can eat a lot more food!  I have to make his plate of food about the same as Julianne's!  My formula is gone so he got his last bottle tonight!  He's been just getting one bottle of formula the last week and has been drinking milk the rest of the day.  He doesn't like his milk as much as he liked his formula so it's been a little bit of a struggle.  His favorite foods so far are spaghetti, yogurt, Cheerios, Ritz crackers, barbecue, potato salad, any kind of bread, bananas and ice cream.

He is now toddling all around the house!! He took his first steps at about 11 1/2 months and by his first birthday, he was walking pretty good.  He loves to play with my phone and the remote - not any of the play ones or the ones that don't have batteries - just the real ones that we are trying to use!  He also loves to try to get into Julianne's table where she has her markers and color books and has mastered the skill of opening the toilet lid. So, needless to say, we have to keep the door to the bathroom closed!

Will also has quite the little attitude at his young age!  If he doesn't get what he wants, he lets out his ear piercing screech!  I really should test it on the decibel scale - it would probably rank right up there with a freight train!  He has learned how to clap and wave bye-bye recently as well.

This year was full of ups and downs, but it's been so fun watching Will grow - I can't wait to see what the future years bring!!  Love you buddy!!


                    August 2012                                                  August 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013


I can't believe July is over already!!  That month just flew - here's a few photos from our month.  You'll notice a common theme... the lake!  We were at the Lake three of the four weekends in July and the other was spent at a campground in Spicer.  You gotta enjoy the summer while it lasts!

We spent 4 days at the Lake and had several family and friends stop by over the 4th of July weekend.  My parents brought their camper and camped in the yard for 4 days also.  Both my sisters and their families and both Nick's sisters and families were there at one point or another.  It was a fabulous time!  I'm so grateful that my family and Nick's family get along so well and can have fun together.  The 4th of July at the Frank home on Big Kandi has become a tradition!  

My nephew Henry  

Henry, Julianne and William in the pool

Jules and Will in the pool

Julianne was finally old enough to stay awake for the fireworks this year - and she loved them!!  We had a bunch of fireworks and our neighbors also has some so she got a first hand show!  The residents of Big Kandi out did themselves this year - it was a fantastic show all around the lake all night!  Each direction you looked, there were great fireworks shooting in the air!

Shay and Julianne trying out the water guns from Grandpa Steve!


Grandma Sheri with all her grandkids

The following weekend, we went to Spicer for the day on Saturday.  My parents were camping there with some other families and they have a nice pool and playground for the kids.  My sister Alissa, husband Josh and Henry were there as well. 

 Jules in the pool with Olivia and Dalen.  We put Will in the pool, but he screamed as soon as his feet hit the water so he didn't last long... 

But Henry sure enjoyed the pool!!  Just chillin' in the floaty with mom

At the playground

Steady, Steady... 

Will loved the swing - 

and playing in the sand

The following weekend we were back at Big Kandi and some of our friends came for the weekend.  The kids had a great time and so did the "big" kids!

New best buddies -Julianne and Cade

Daddy with the kiddos!

My friend Megan and I

Cade and Jules picking out the perfect place to go swimming

We went for a pontoon ride and stopped to swim for a while.  The kids had a blast swimming!  Even William was enjoying the water this time!

Kurt with Cade and Jules

An after-swim juice box

Our friends Steve and Angie

My big boy!

Last weekend we were back at Big Kandi again - this time it was pretty low key; just us, Steve and Sheri and Sheri's sister Penny and husband Kevin.

Friday was Sheri's birthday so we had to bring her some cupcakes!

 Getting ready to blow out her candle

Three generations of Franks!

So, there it is - our July at the Lake!