Frank Family

Frank Family
December 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom

Sunday, March 23, was my mom's birthday. We had my mom and dad, sisters and my nephew over for lunch.  It was a fun day with family!

Mom with her grandkids 

Mom, with Jules and I.  Notice the cake??? Proud to say - I made it!! The last time I tried to make a 2 layer cake, it didn't turn out so well, so I was very proud of this one.  Jules helped too - she put on the sprinkles. 

William thought the cake was yummy too!

Happy Birthday Mom - we wish you many more!  Love you lots!

18 months (plus a few more...)

Well, I meant to do an update on Will at 18 months, but time got away from me and he's now 19 1/2 months! So, here's a little info on our munchkin... 

William is such a lovable little boy - one look at him and you just want to squeeze him!!  He's very mischievous and will get into just about everything.  He still loves to take the toothbrushes from the bathroom and bite on them and loves our iPad.  He can't really do anything on the iPad, but loves to pretend he knows what he's doing and click on the buttons.  He's not as much of a lunchbox as he used to be, but he still loves his food.  Not so much the vegetables, but just about anything else.  He's a huge fan of ketchup, so one night we put ketchup on his carrots and then he ate them!  
He's very independent and can be a little sassy if he doesn't get his way.  He will insist on feeding himself, even if it's spaghetti, so supper time can get quite messy!  

He loves his big sister will try to do what ever she does.  It's pretty funny to try and watch him hop on one foot!  He loves to try and wrestle and tackle Jules too and it's so sweet when he has to give her a hug and kiss before bed.

William loves to get into Julianne's things too -see above!  He uses whatever he can - a toy rocking horse or his riding airplane - to get into her stuff!  He must have been feeling really mischievous this day- these two photos were taken on the same day!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


A couple weekends ago, Shay and Bree came to visit!!  
We had lots of fun spinning on Grandma Sheri's chair! 


A few weeks ago, the kids had their first experience at bowling at a friend's birthday party.  It was quite fun - and pretty wild with 15 5-year olds!

Will is all smiles! 

 Jules' first attempt at bowling

Pizza for all the kids! 

Julianne and her friend Mara 

Getting ready to bowl! 

The cake - Happy Birthday Luke! 

Will trying to bowl.  He could push the ball of the ramp really well, but then was more interested in climbing on the ramp than seeing where the ball went! 

Luke - the birthday boy! 

And no party would be complete without a Monster Truck pinata!