Frank Family

Frank Family
December 2014

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

Last Thursday, December 1, Nick and I celebrated our 4th anniversary.  I absolutely love looking through all the pictures from that day and could do it all day long!  I have so many wonderful memories from 4 years ago so thought I'd share some of my favorite pictures with you... 

First of all, when I think of 12/1/07, I think of that dirty, four letter word...... SNOW!  I can remember being very calm about it all the week prior to the wedding, thinking there was a chance the weather forecasters could be wrong.  But, no such luck... we got hammered with 10 plus inches of the white stuff that morning!  So I pretty much was quite frustrated (and crabby!) the morning of the wedding.  I remember thinking that our grandparents (and other guests who wouldn't normally go out in this type of blizzard!) were going to slip on the snow and ice and fall and break their hips or worse yet, that no one would come and our wedding would be ruined!  Everyone tried to call me down saying the pictures would be "so pretty" but I wasn't having any of it! But the show went on and our wedding turned out to be fabulous!  There were a few guests that didn't make it, but no one fell and broke anything and those that were there had a great time; plus we even got a few  "pretty" pictures with the snow.

Get me to the church on time! (Notice the "white stuff" outside... )

Yikes, more snow!!!

Barb and Megan trying to help calm me before the ceremony. 

 This is one of my favorites; I love the stained-glass window in the front of our church.

The 'maids

 And this is my most favorite!!  I guess they were right - the snow was nice for some pictures.

Alissa and I doing the air guitar.  My dress was too big so she had to hold up my leg for me -  now that's what sisters are for!

I love, love, love this picture.  We had a fabulous time at the dance and I can still remember it like it was yesterday!  Good times with good friends!

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