The sun is shining and it finally feels like summer time!! We've been enjoying the last couple weekends at Nick's parent's cabin on Big Kandiyohi Lake. Here's a few photo's from the last two weekends.
Julianne in the sandbox
The neighbor's flag
Silly Willie!
Steph, Nora, Steve, Bonnie and Henry stopped by the cabin. These three monkeys had such a good time playing together. It's too bad they don't get to see each other more often!
I think these monkeys had a good time together too!!
Captain Julianne
Fishing with daddy
Grandma and Grandpa making smores by the fire
The road in front of the cabin is a perfect place to ride bike!!! Much better than the gravel at home!
We discovered watermelon rinds are a good teething toy! Will was entertained for a long time with these!
Jules and daddy looking at the lake
Last weekend Shay and Bree came to visit too! This was our first time on the pontoon this year and the first time ever for Will. He wasn't too happy with having to wear that life jacket, as you can probably tell. But he was a trooper!
A' hoy mates!
We're looking forward to more fun times at the lake this summer! Julianne woke up this morning (Monday) and asked if we were going to the lake again. The kids have a blast out there and I'm sure they are making memories that will last a life time!
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