Frank Family

Frank Family
December 2014

Monday, February 28, 2011

Frank Family Fun!

This past weekend Nick's dad side of the family had a gathering at the Holiday Inn in Mankato.  Since 2 of the last 3 Frank Christmases have been cancelled because of weather, we thought we needed to plan a get-together!  I think a great time was had by all!  Mother Nature tried to play a nasty trick on us again, but thankfully it only snowed a little and everyone was able to make to Mankato on Saturday.  The kids swam ALL afternoon and the adults ate and drank (sounds like the typical Frank party, doesn't it??) by the pool area.  Then we ordered in some yummy pizza and ate and drank some more.  By then it was time to put all the tired kids to bed.  Between Nick and his sister and their cousins, there were 8 kids there to keep all the adults busy - Claire (4 and half) and Nora (18 months); Shay (2); Trae (2) and Kyra (7 months); Raya (20 months); Henry (16 months); and Julianne (22 months) - Whew!!  That was a lot of kids.  

After the kids were in bed, they talked me into going to the WOW Zone! (an arcade with bowling, mini golf, a sports bar, and laser tag which was right across the street).  I was reluctant to go - I mean come on - can Laser Tag really be more fun than just chillin' with a beer in the hotel??  But I'm glad I went.  Even though I wasn't a very good shot, Laser Tag was fun and it was good to get out without the kiddo's!

In the morning we had an excellent continental breakfast at the hotel then went to the Barden's for lunch before heading home. It was a really fun weekend and I can't wait to do it again!!

Here are some pictures Sheri took with our camera - I didn't get to take many as I was busy running around after Julianne...
Raya and Julianne in the kiddie pool

Julianne in her stylin' swimsuit (thanks Auntie Kelly and Uncle Jake!)

The Franks in the pool with the kids!

Julianne and I swimming in the big pool - Julianne LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the water.  She was the last one to get out! This was the first time we have taken her swimming in a pool, but I'm sure it won't be the last!
Julianne and Shay in the kiddie pool

The adults' gathering place...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh Baby!

On Friday Julianne didn't have daycare so I took the day off of work and we made a trip to the Cities to see a couple new additions that joined our friends' families - Carson Jo and Cade Wiley!  It was a super, fun day and I was very proud of Jules - she was a trooper and didn't get too crabby as I shuffled her in and out of her carseat all day and didn't allow her enough time in the car for a nap!  We started by visiting Dan, Rachel and Carson Halbersma in Plymouth.  She was born on December 19th so is two months old already!  Then we headed to Southtown where I had to make a couple of returns at Kohl's and Herberger's and of course spent more then I had to return - you know how that goes!  Then we headed all the way to Farmington to visit Megan, Kurt and Cade Dingmann.  He was born on January 16th so is still just a teeny, tinny baby and just one month old.  Both babies are doing really well and it was fun to catch up with the mommies (and the daddies too)!  Julianne wasn't too interested in the babies - she thought the dog was a lot more fun at the Halbersma's!  To make the trip even better, Julianne slept almost the entire 2.5 hour drive home and allowed me some peace and quiet as I crept along in the 494 traffic and then the long drive home!

Congrats to the Halbersmas and the Dingmanns and welcome to this wild ride called Parenthood!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Playdate with the Barden's!

On Saturday we made the trip down to Mankato to see the Barden's.  The girls have so much fun together, but we don't get to see them all that often.  At first they were shy, but pretty soon warmed up and had several rounds of "mine" back and forth when playing with the toys!  Even though NONE of them Julianne's she seemed to think they were!  After playing ("Playing" in 2 year old language = jumping on the bed, chasing each other around the house and running away from mom and dad when they're told no or it's time to change a diaper) for awhile we took a trip down the road to Godfather's Pizza for supper - it was the closest place where the kids wouldn't have to sit still and could run around.  Ah - the life of parents - we no longer base our decision on where to eat on which place has the best happy hour!!

What else are we going to do when it's 38 degrees outside in February - play outside of course!

Cousins having fun on the sled!
Julianne Nicole - 22 months, Shay Lynn - 2 yrs 2 months


Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Dress-Up Doll!

The best part about having a daughter - I get to have my very own dress-up doll!  Below are pictures of Julianne in her Super Bowl party attire.  :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Enough already!

Well here it is - February 1st and we've already exceeded our average snow totals for the entire YEAR!!  I am once again stuck at home on a "snow day" today.  Just another one of the joys of living on a farm in the middle of flat country.  When the wind blows - you can't go anywhere!  Thankfully my work is really understnding and when our home internet is working (that's another "joy" of living in the middle of nowhere) I can at least check my email and get some work done while Julianne is napping.

I know most people probably think I'm a wuss and a big whinner... So I am posting some pictures I took today of all the snow at our house!!!
Snow on our deck.  Guess we won't be using the hot tub since we'd have to shovel a path to get there!

Snow outside the window in our basement bedroom

Snow outside our laundry room in the basement

Snow around the shed.  Nick spent most of December shoveling all that snow off the roof since was afraid it would collapse.


 Snow drift behind our garage

The back door in our garage - thankfully we don't use this in the winter!

Alright, maybe it is a little pretty... (do NOT tell my husband I said that - I don't think he'll ever think snow is pretty again after this winter and all the time he's spent blowing snow!) 

But, maybe "snow days" are okay since I get to spend it with this cutie pie!